MWS SFCC: School Family and Community Council

Follow the SFCC on Facebook and Instagram @mws_sfcc

The Mount Washington School Family and Community Council (SFCC) meets each month during the school year to discuss and develop plans to improve student achievement, ensure quality programs, enrich family and community engagement, and help our school achieve its greatest potential.

The SFCC consists of the MWS Principal, Assistant Principal, Teachers, Family Representatives for each grade, Community Representatives, and others.

Contact SFCC co-chair Toja Okoh to get involved, or check the Upcoming Events Calendar to attend a meeting.

SFCC Committees

  • Family and Community Engagement Committee

    Ensures all stake-holders (students, families, staff, & community) are represented in the Council, and works to uplift the unique identity and spirit of our school. Organizes volunteer opportunities, facilitates community engagement, and supports the community building efforts of the PTO.

  • Facilities Committee

    Maintenance and improvement of school buildings and school grounds, including the Playground Subcommittee.

  • Culture and Achievement Committee

    Supports the school leadership team to maintain a positive, inclusive culture and climate, as well as meeting our annual school achievement goals. We also advocate for curricular and extracurricular enrichment.


SFCC meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 5:00 PM. 
Check ParentSquare for reminders or the School Calendar.

MWS will provide language interpretation for SFCC meetings on request. Please notify us as soon as you can.
Traduccion de idiomas podria estar disponible para esta reunión a pedido. Por favor,
avísanos que se necesita tan pronto como pueda.

SFCC Grade Representatives

Grade Reps are like traditional “class/room parents” that assist their classrooms by distributing news and information to Students and their Families, and by helping their teachers with their classroom needs, such as volunteers or supplies. Grade Reps can also bring any questions or concerns from their classroom’s families to the SFCC to work together to address them.

The SFCC holds elections for Grade Representatives at the final meeting of the school year and again at the first meeting of the next year. Grade Reps may serve a two-year term. Elementary and Middle School elections are staggered so that only one group of Grade Representatives will be new in any given year.

Grade Representatives

If you need to know who your Grade Rep is or if you are interested in representing your student’s grade for the SFCC, please contact the SFCC Chair:

Baltimore City Public Schools requires that each school maintain a School Family & Community Council.

The SFC Council's duties include:

  • establishing/maintaining committees. At the Mt. Washington School, these include the Family and Community Engagement Committee, Culture and Achievement Committee, Facilities, and others as appropriate)

  • collaborating with the principal and Instructional Leadership Team in developing and supporting the implementation of the school performance plan (SPP)

  • develop operational procedures for the SFC Council (bylaws)

  • provide advisory feedback to the CEO on the proposed school budget and SPP

  • assist the Office of Human Capital with the principal selection process, in case of a vacancy

SFCC General MEETING Minutes